Here is an interesting note via the OSHA newsletter (3/1/2013) about a citation involving Combustible Dust.

OSHA cites 3 companies after combustible dust flash fire claims lives of 2 workers at Texas work site

OSHA has cited Watco Mechanical Services, Jordan General Contractors Inc. and JP Electric after a combustible dust flash fire claimed the lives of two workers at a Hockley work site. OSHA began its investigation Aug. 19, 2012, at the Watco Mechanical Services work site where workers were conducting blasting operations in the facility’s tank and hopper building. Employees were cutting metal with a torch when a fire broke out, killing two workers employed by Magnolia, Texas-based Jordan General Contractors.

The three companies were cited a total of 22 violations, including failing to adequately control fugitive emissions of combustible dust; develop and implement a respiratory program; provide training on the hazards of working with combustible dust; and ensure cutting operations are halted in the presence of combustible dust. Proposed penalties for the three companies total $119,840. See the news release for more information.


Please contact DualDraw to help your organization address the challenge of combustible dust collection.  Our proprietary approach to helping organizations handle this issue is helping make organizations safer on a daily basis.  Our Downdraft Tables and Downdraft Booths are both very effective tools as well as our Walk-In Clean Air Stations. Send an email to or give us a call at 800-977-2125.