7 12, 2012

DualDraw Homeland Security Products


NOTE:  Visit our new site dedicated to just our screening products at: www.DualDrawHomeland.com!!! Christmas is the busiest mailing season of the year. Did you know that DualDraw’s air filtration technology is currently making it safer for hundreds of organizations to receive letters and packages? DualDraw’s mail screening downdraft tables also protect the breathing zones of

DualDraw Homeland Security Products2024-05-22T16:01:50+00:00
31 08, 2012

DualDraw Products for Homeland Security


DualDraw’s entry into the market of Homeland Security is an example of our unique technology and the diversity of our products and applications. Following Sept. 11, 2001, DualDraw was approached by the US Government to protect mail-center operators using the same patented DualDraw airflow technology applied in industrial facilities. We felt honored that our

DualDraw Products for Homeland Security2020-01-17T18:03:21+00:00
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