12 12, 2016

Ultrafine Dust: How Clean is 3D Printing?


3D printers are much like your typical inkjet printer, except instead of putting a layer of ink on a page, they place layer upon layer of a material typically a molten layer of polymer. When completed, these layers form a 3D object. According to 3DPrinting.com, several different technologies are commonly used including: vat photo

Ultrafine Dust: How Clean is 3D Printing?2022-09-16T16:56:56+00:00
18 12, 2015

Dust: The Silent Killer in Construction Sites | Dual Draw


A little dust here and there might not seem like that big of a deal; frequently operators work longer than they should without adequate air filtration or safety masks. From drilling, sawing, grinding, sanding, chiseling, cabling and even sweeping, however, the activities inside construction sites produce an extremely dangerous amount of hazardous dust. In fact, in a recent

Dust: The Silent Killer in Construction Sites | Dual Draw2023-02-17T17:03:38+00:00
8 04, 2015

Controlling Combustible Dust Hazards


As OSHA moves toward widespread, clearly stated regulation of combustible dust hazards, it’s becoming apparent that the situation is finally being taken very seriously. Because of the numerous deadly accidents, more and more companies are taking steps towards combustible dust control, not wanting to risk becoming the next headline in the papers. It’s a daunting

Controlling Combustible Dust Hazards2024-05-22T16:19:59+00:00
18 02, 2015

Dust Collection with DualDraw


There are countless examples that can be used to pinpoint the dangers of combustible dust. Whether you are looking at the amount of deaths caused by the various forms of combustible dust or the amount of injuries, it is a grim view. For example, in 2010, three workers were killed in an explosion in

Dust Collection with DualDraw2019-12-06T15:30:30+00:00
24 04, 2014

How to determine which downdraft table is the right solution


Do you have an air quality problem? Are you trying to figure out how to determine which DualDraw downdraft table is right for you? Below are two steps to start your process on how to best select a downdraft table that is just right for you. If you are unfamiliar with industrial air filtration

How to determine which downdraft table is the right solution2020-03-06T18:49:30+00:00
14 04, 2014

WSJ Article: Combustible-Dust Explosions Prompt Calls for More Oversight


Below is a link to an article from the Wall Street Journal (April 9, 2014) on combustible dust with some good information about the current status of the regulatory environment on this important safety topic. Is your organization taking the necessary precautions to prevent a potentially fatal explosive dust accident?  We, at DualDraw, can

WSJ Article: Combustible-Dust Explosions Prompt Calls for More Oversight2020-03-20T19:04:47+00:00
7 08, 2013

Montana-based company cited by OSHA for safety violations involving combustible dust


DualDraw offers a full line of collection equipment for the capture of combustible dust and hazardous fumes. If you are working with aluminum, titanium, or magnesium you will want to consider our products designed to capture these dangerous dusts and avoid safety violations during OSHA inspections. DualDraw products are designed to comply with NFPA and

Montana-based company cited by OSHA for safety violations involving combustible dust2019-05-07T23:36:53+00:00
11 04, 2013

New OSHA resource addresses procedures for combating combustible dust fires


The following press release, issued April 1, 2013, from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, addresses procedures for combating combustible dust fires OSHA issues new resource to protect emergency workers at combustible dust fires WASHINGTON – The Occupational Safety and Health Administration today published Firefighting Precautions at Facilities with Combustible Dust*, a new, informative booklet that outlines

New OSHA resource addresses procedures for combating combustible dust fires2019-05-07T23:36:54+00:00
1 03, 2013

OSHA Article on Combustible Dust, 3/1/2013


Here is an interesting note via the OSHA newsletter (3/1/2013) about a citation involving Combustible Dust. OSHA cites 3 companies after combustible dust flash fire claims lives of 2 workers at Texas work site OSHA has cited Watco Mechanical Services, Jordan General Contractors Inc. and JP Electric after a combustible dust flash fire claimed the

OSHA Article on Combustible Dust, 3/1/20132019-05-07T23:36:55+00:00
7 02, 2013

DualDraw Solutions for Aircraft Manufacturing Customers


Systech Design, located in the mid Atlantic region, has been a well qualified distributor of DualDraw dust and fume collection products for many years. Experts in helping their customers solve tough air quality problems, Systech recently leveraged DualDraw products to improve and make safer certain production processes for a multi-national aircraft manufacturing customer. This

DualDraw Solutions for Aircraft Manufacturing Customers2022-11-18T17:07:47+00:00
25 10, 2012

DualDraw Products for Dust Collection


Seems like dust is everywhere nowadays, doesn’t it? Well, dust isn’t just a work-place nuisance. Certain kinds of dust are hazardous to employees when inhaled, are dangerous as potential combustibles, or can cross-contaminate adjacent sensitive processes or equipment in a facility. At DualDraw, our patented air filtration solutions efficiently contain and filter any type

DualDraw Products for Dust Collection2020-05-29T17:38:15+00:00
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