22 04, 2015

Unique Air Filtration Applications and Custom Equipment


Many industries face the complicated challenge of providing clean air to their employees in hazardous environments. There are some jobs that require a lot of dirty work, and there aren’t always quick fixes to the hazards they bring. Sometimes new solutions have to be thought up to ensure that work conditions meet OSHA standards

Unique Air Filtration Applications and Custom Equipment2023-02-17T17:02:12+00:00
8 04, 2015

Controlling Combustible Dust Hazards


As OSHA moves toward widespread, clearly stated regulation of combustible dust hazards, it’s becoming apparent that the situation is finally being taken very seriously. Because of the numerous deadly accidents, more and more companies are taking steps towards combustible dust control, not wanting to risk becoming the next headline in the papers. It’s a daunting

Controlling Combustible Dust Hazards2024-05-22T16:19:59+00:00
18 02, 2015

Dust Collection with DualDraw


There are countless examples that can be used to pinpoint the dangers of combustible dust. Whether you are looking at the amount of deaths caused by the various forms of combustible dust or the amount of injuries, it is a grim view. For example, in 2010, three workers were killed in an explosion in

Dust Collection with DualDraw2019-12-06T15:30:30+00:00
24 04, 2014

How to determine which downdraft table is the right solution


Do you have an air quality problem? Are you trying to figure out how to determine which DualDraw downdraft table is right for you? Below are two steps to start your process on how to best select a downdraft table that is just right for you. If you are unfamiliar with industrial air filtration

How to determine which downdraft table is the right solution2020-03-06T18:49:30+00:00
13 03, 2014

OSHA Combustible Dust Update


DualDraw representatives recently attended the Power Bulk & Solids Conference in Chicago, May 6th-8th.  It was here they were able to attend a particularly interesting educational seminar on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA’s) Combustible Dust National Emphasis Program (NEP). The NEP works to enforce OSHA combustible dust guidelines by inspecting facilities that

OSHA Combustible Dust Update2025-01-06T06:15:12+00:00
17 10, 2013

DualDraw Serves the Community


DualDraw in Action: Lots of food to handle for Bobby Torres. Billy Aragon stacking boxes like a master! A boxing food frenzy! On Tuesday October 8, 2013, DualDraw took time out from our busy factory floor and spent the afternoon in service to a local Denver organization called Food Bank of the Rockies. The

DualDraw Serves the Community2019-11-22T20:42:00+00:00
11 04, 2013

New OSHA resource addresses procedures for combating combustible dust fires


The following press release, issued April 1, 2013, from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, addresses procedures for combating combustible dust fires OSHA issues new resource to protect emergency workers at combustible dust fires WASHINGTON – The Occupational Safety and Health Administration today published Firefighting Precautions at Facilities with Combustible Dust*, a new, informative booklet that outlines

New OSHA resource addresses procedures for combating combustible dust fires2019-05-07T23:36:54+00:00
3 04, 2013

OSHA Fact Sheet on Controlling Hazardous Fumes/Gases During Welding


Need information about industrial welding safety? Check out this recent OSHA Fact Sheet on Controlling Hazardous Fumes and Gases During Welding. DualDraw’s air filtration products and patented downdraft technology can help with safety in welding work environments. For more information or to check out our fume control products and services, visit www.dualdraw.com or call

OSHA Fact Sheet on Controlling Hazardous Fumes/Gases During Welding2019-09-13T20:00:00+00:00
1 03, 2013

OSHA Article on Combustible Dust, 3/1/2013


Here is an interesting note via the OSHA newsletter (3/1/2013) about a citation involving Combustible Dust. OSHA cites 3 companies after combustible dust flash fire claims lives of 2 workers at Texas work site OSHA has cited Watco Mechanical Services, Jordan General Contractors Inc. and JP Electric after a combustible dust flash fire claimed the

OSHA Article on Combustible Dust, 3/1/20132019-05-07T23:36:55+00:00
7 02, 2013

DualDraw Solutions for Aircraft Manufacturing Customers


Systech Design, located in the mid Atlantic region, has been a well qualified distributor of DualDraw dust and fume collection products for many years. Experts in helping their customers solve tough air quality problems, Systech recently leveraged DualDraw products to improve and make safer certain production processes for a multi-national aircraft manufacturing customer. This

DualDraw Solutions for Aircraft Manufacturing Customers2022-11-18T17:07:47+00:00
7 12, 2012

DualDraw Homeland Security Products


NOTE:  Visit our new site dedicated to just our screening products at: www.DualDrawHomeland.com!!! Christmas is the busiest mailing season of the year. Did you know that DualDraw’s air filtration technology is currently making it safer for hundreds of organizations to receive letters and packages? DualDraw’s mail screening downdraft tables also protect the breathing zones of

DualDraw Homeland Security Products2024-05-22T16:01:50+00:00
30 11, 2012

The Advantages of Downdraft Tables


What is a downdraft table used for? A downdraft table is a great product to use for air filtration when the process you are performing generates a dust or fume and can be accomplished on top of a work surface.  Grinding, welding, cutting, gluing, painting, sawing, or chopping – these are common applications that

The Advantages of Downdraft Tables2024-07-30T07:44:54+00:00
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