Ten years ago (in 2003), the U.S. Chemical Safety Board launched investigations of three major industrial explosions involving combustible dust.These explosions — in North Carolina, Kentucky, and Indiana — cost 14 lives and caused numerous injuries and substantial property losses. The board responded by launching a nationwide study to determine the scope of the problem and recommend new safety measures for facilities that handle combustible dust.

This attention to the dangers of combustible dust has led OSHA to announce the intent to create national regulations specific to the handling of combustible dust. These will be legally enforceable regulations that reach beyond what is currently in place through general OSHA rules and the NFPA (National Fire Protection Agency) standards.

Is your facility prepared to meet these coming regulations? DualDraw helps customers with combustible dust issues. We can help guide you and your facility to compliance and increased safety with our dust collection solutions. Call us today at 800-977-2125 for more information or send an email to Dan Prather at dprather@dualdraw.com for more information.
