13 03, 2014

OSHA Combustible Dust Update


DualDraw representatives recently attended the Power Bulk & Solids Conference in Chicago, May 6th-8th.  It was here they were able to attend a particularly interesting educational seminar on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA’s) Combustible Dust National Emphasis Program (NEP). The NEP works to enforce OSHA combustible dust guidelines by inspecting facilities that

OSHA Combustible Dust Update2025-01-06T06:15:12+00:00
7 08, 2013

Montana-based company cited by OSHA for safety violations involving combustible dust


DualDraw offers a full line of collection equipment for the capture of combustible dust and hazardous fumes. If you are working with aluminum, titanium, or magnesium you will want to consider our products designed to capture these dangerous dusts and avoid safety violations during OSHA inspections. DualDraw products are designed to comply with NFPA and

Montana-based company cited by OSHA for safety violations involving combustible dust2019-05-07T23:36:53+00:00
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