8 04, 2015

Controlling Combustible Dust Hazards


As OSHA moves toward widespread, clearly stated regulation of combustible dust hazards, it’s becoming apparent that the situation is finally being taken very seriously. Because of the numerous deadly accidents, more and more companies are taking steps towards combustible dust control, not wanting to risk becoming the next headline in the papers. It’s a daunting

Controlling Combustible Dust Hazards2024-05-22T16:19:59+00:00
20 01, 2015

A Short Guide to OSHA Compliance


OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, is an integral part of keeping workers safe. Their list of regulations is expansive and non-exhaustive, but should be followed with every available effort. There are different OSHA safety compliance rules for different industries, so it is important to have a clear definition of what is expected of

A Short Guide to OSHA Compliance2024-05-22T16:29:00+00:00
25 11, 2014

Chemical Exposure and Preventing Combustible Dust Accidents


Both chemical exposure and combustible dust are ongoing threats to the lives of countless workers every year. OSHA has taken steps recently with both hazards to try and maintain awareness and minimize risks. With lots of prodding from the CSB and stakeholders in general, OSHA has been working diligently to minimize work accidents overall,

Chemical Exposure and Preventing Combustible Dust Accidents2019-11-22T20:43:25+00:00
13 03, 2014

OSHA Combustible Dust Update


DualDraw representatives recently attended the Power Bulk & Solids Conference in Chicago, May 6th-8th.  It was here they were able to attend a particularly interesting educational seminar on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA’s) Combustible Dust National Emphasis Program (NEP). The NEP works to enforce OSHA combustible dust guidelines by inspecting facilities that

OSHA Combustible Dust Update2025-01-06T06:15:12+00:00
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